Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Hot buttered Rolls/Cornbread..

As many of you from Tupelo will notice this saying was quite popular in the 80's.  

It was a popular restaurant, Mrs. Delbe's.. we had home cooking as and threw hot buttered rolls and cornbread as some would call the little entertainment..... If anyone remembers those good ole rolls--- melt in your mouth, hot buttered and huge. MMM MMMM so good. 

As anyone that knows me, I am not a great pitcher. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler nor can I throw straight,either. Well, one day, I was elected to do this deed for our customers and reluctantly I did as was asked. Went into the kitchen grabbed the basket, put on my little gloves and waited until they were removed from the oven and hot melted butter slathered all over the top. I picked them up carefully, they were slippery with all that butter, and placed them in the basket. As I came to the door of the kitchen.. I started yelling, "HOT BUTTER ROLLS!" "WHO WANTS A HOT BUTTER ROLL?"  Hands go up to those that have been there before and the one for their first trip into our place only looked in surprise until I came near and said "IF YOU WANT A ROLL YOU GOTTA HOLD YOUR HANDS OUT, NO HANDING HERE, YOU HAVE TO CATCH IT".... this was great fun and the people enjoyed the entertainment of it all.   laughing and screeching as the rolls were tossed across the room in hopes they were caught by the ones that wanted one. :)  

I had a couple of men sitting around the middle of the room that was watching the fun and seeing who would catch one and who would not.. as they were watching and laughing; trying to decide if they were going to hold their hand up..  someone sitting behind them threw up their hands and I said "OKAY, READY?  CATCH!".. I threw back my arm as if I were "not" Babe Ruth and as I was coming back into form, I let it go and off it went... as I was watching.....there it goes into the wild blue yonder ... slid right across a bald man's head and right into the hands of the one that wanted the hot melted delight.........  yep, little low and off went in great form like a slow/fast ball heading over home plate. Trying to compose myself after his friend stated, "you got it right over the noggin", "give me one."  At that moment, laughter was ensued by all and then everyone wanted a roll. "HERE, HERE" and throw I did.

It was a good toss off a roll for a new patron, even though when he came in he would ask if I were throwing the rolls he would go out and get his hat..  

I never will forget that time with Mrs, Delbe's and those "HOT BUTTERED ROLLS/CORNBREAD"  "WHO WANTS A HOT BUTTERED ROLL?"  


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