Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Looked out my bedroom window this morning and what did i see.. SNOW!!!..yes, you heard correctly, snow.  Things will be at a slow pace today, schools closed and so is the university. It is such a pretty sight but going out weathering this stuff is a mess... Even my dogs got as far as the top step on the deck and back in they came. It was so funny watching my Docker running back and forth in the snow on the deck trying to decide whether she was going down to do her business ..........nope, she and my Yorkie had enough of the wet stuff on their little feet and ran back in the door and decided that the garage was a good place to take care of business, today... 
When we were little or younger, the snow was always fun. Outside making snowmen or throwing snowballs or trying to slide down a hill and who can forget Snow Cream---- mmmm, that was a nice treat. It's funny how as we are young; we think we are invincible and could stay out in the cold all day and it not bother us. Today, if it gets below 70F, I am running for a jacket. I take that from my dad, well and his ears and nose. 
Face it, with the snow, we in the South rarely see this white stuff, it's just usually cold and this year, damn cold. With all this beautiful white stuff and its beauty, we can not forget the danger of the roads and steps, they can be slippery and cause a nasty accident.  
So, I say to you on this day......... Have a great and safe day.    
Now let's go and make Snow Cream!!!!   :)


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