Sunday, February 23, 2014

On writing my first book

I am glad i finally started writing my book. This book has been in my brain for almost 20 years and after all the research and time away with my growing family and work, I have the time to sit down and put this thing into motion. At first, it was hard getting the first sentence, heck the first words written; my mind was in different directions on how i wanted it to be or go. Then a friend told me to just start writing and see where it takes you. I did and behold it is coming together. My first work of art. It's about a serial killer and from all these years seeing him grow in my mind; i am hoping that when i get to that chapter he becomes even larger than life and my hopes that each of you will be so trapped in this story that you can't wait to find out what happens to the main character.  This writing has given me a new lease on life; i use to write all the time, little plays and poems, short stories but as time went by so did my writing and now this time has come and my creative juices are flowing and each character is beginning to have a life of their own. 
 It's amazing how you can sit down with paper and pen and start putting together your imagination into words and how the story line grows with each character and place.These characters are fun  to write and their stories draw you into the story, which i am hoping is how it's suppose to go.. Keep watch on the main character, you will find her in present and past and what part she plays. It is amazing how the story evolves with each thought and word. I am so happy at this time in my life, I can finally write this story. 


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