Thursday, February 6, 2014

Earn your way.

I know I can't be the only one that thinks----- Earn your way. 

Where is the pride of someone going out taking any job they can to provide for them and their families. I remember getting my first "real" job and my first paycheck.. It was so elating and prideful that I knew I could do something and earn my own way and stand on my own, without any - ANY help from the government.. Life is a choice and chances. And those that think the government is the way to go... the only thing it does is keep you down and only making what "they" say you can make.. and live and be... How awful .. I grew up hearing all my life, that you can be and do whatever you want in this world as long as you work hard and have a dream. Now it seems that the government is that dream for many out here and they are keeping many of us from that dream of success and become the best we can be....

I get so damn frustrated with all the news today, about the government taking care of you.. The only one that believes that is the government. They take care of themselves not us... Only makes us depend more on them to push us down, eventually they will tell us when to wipe our butts.. Not me.... I will never succumb to this type of tyranny... I was born in a free world and a free-will to know for myself what is best for me and my family.... 

I stand with Moses---- let my people go---- (let them be free)... 
I stand by our Founders---- fighting against the government known as the King--- for our freedom. 

We can not be free until we are truly free... Free to make our decisions of how we make our money (legally of course, never would I condone anything illegal), decisions on where we pray, where we go to school, what to purchase or eat, whether or not I can have a gun ( not that I know how to use it but it's my right and freedom to decide how to keep /protect MY life). No one should tell another human that I know better than you on how you should be in this world.  


1 comment:

  1. GGGGGGGGGGGod !!! so much hatred for the government !!! I thought this is the case only in my country. I pay 30% of my salary in direct taxes, another 40% in housing loan installment. No wonder my hobbies are not cars and bungalows but paper crafts, candles and sand castles. This might be the reason that i give hair cut to my son since his birth (and now he is in college and still gets his hair-cut from me), don't own even a two wheeler, my wife gives me hair-cut, i stitch most of our clothes and we cook all dishes at home instead of going to expensive hotels.
