Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sports Massage Therapy

If you are an athlete, you  might want to choose Sports massage. This article shows the great benefits to muscles before and after whatever sport or exercise program you do.

Many elite athletes consider sports massage an essential part of their training and recovery routine. Theses athletes report that a sports massage helps them train more effectively, improve performance, prevent injury, and recovery quickly. Historically, competitive and professional athletes have been some of the biggest users of sports massage. Today, a growing number of massage therapists offer therapeutic sports massage and many recreational athletes enjoy sports massage on a regular basis.
What is Therapeutic Sports Massage?
Therapeutic sports massage is a type of massage technique that focuses on treating soft tissue aches, pain and injuries that are associated with recreational activities. Massage can reduce muscle stiffness and improve relaxation by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.
While many athletes are convinced of the physical benefit of massage, research on its effectiveness is accumulating. Massage involves applying mechanical pressure to the soft tissues, and this is has been linked with improved muscle flexibility, increased range of motion in the joints, and decreased muscle stiffness.
Recently, researchers at McMaster University reported that deep massage after an intense workout actually causes muscles to enlarge and grow new mitochondria. Mitochondira, the powerhouses of our cells, are responsible for converting nutrients into useful energy.
For this study, the researchers had men to exercise to exhaustion on stationary bicycles. After the workout, the men had a Swedish-style deep-tissue massage on one leg for 10 minutes. Muscle biopsies were taken from one quadriceps muscle before and after the workout, and from both muscles immediately after a 10 minute massage of one leg, and again two and a half hours later. The deep-tissue massage increased the size and number of new mitochondria more than exercising without massage. Increasing mitochondria can improve endurance performance by increasing the rate that muscles can utilize oxygen.
The pressure of massage may also improve blood flow during the massage and increase muscle temperature. Massage reduces heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels. Most people report a feeling of pure relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved mood as a result. Athletes may indeed find an edge in these psychological benefits.
For most athletes, enjoying less muscle stiffness and improving relaxation and well-being is reason enough to enjoy regular massage. But as research continues to grow on the real physical benefits of massage, more and more athletes will be taking advantage of this 'feel-good' training method.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Deep Tissue Massage

Here is another technique we use in massage, as you can see, this is a bit different from the Swedish. Swedish is more relaxation type and Deep Tissue is generally for deeper layers of muscles and tissue and the pressure is moderately more intense.  
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.
Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

How Does Deep Tissue Massage Work?

When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.
Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.

Will Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?

At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain.
It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you ecperience is outside your comfort range.
There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so. The massage therapist may recommend applying ice to the area after the massage.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Unlike classic massage therapy, which is used for relaxation, deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as:
According to the August 2005 issue of Consumer Reports magazine, 34,000 people ranked deep tissue massage more effective in relieving osteoarthritis pain than physical therapy, exercise, prescription medications, chiropractic, acupuncture, diet, glucosamine and over-the-counter drugs.
Deep tissue massage also received a top ranking for fibromyalgia pain. People often notice improved range of motion immediately after a deep tissue massage.

What Can I Expect During My Visit?

Massage therapists may use fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and forearms during the deep tissue 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Massage Therapy Benefits- Swedish

I love massage therapy, of course that is the work i do everyday. In the next few days, I want to introduce to you the benefits of massage and the different types of massage;depending on your complaints or ailments that would be most beneficial to you. 

Swedish Massage

By Anna Lynn Sibal
Swedish massage
Swedish massage photo © Johnny Lye
Most of us experience stress in varying levels on a day-to-day basis. Stress is not good for the health because it makes our muscles tense and bunch up, causing pain. Also, it makes the organs of our body function under duress. That is never good.
Massage is meant to alleviate pain and enhance the body's health.
Swedish massage is considered to be among the most basic methods of massage and is among the first styles of massage that new masseurs get to study. Developed by Henrik Ling in Sweden in the 1700s, Swedish massage is particularly to allow the body to absorb more oxygen, thereby rejuvenating the body. Swedish massage is also geared towards detoxification by increasing the speed by which the cells of the body eliminate their waste materials.
But more than these, Swedish massage brings to the receiver an immense feeling of satisfaction and relaxation.
There are six techniques used in administering Swedish massage. These techniques are the following:
1. Effleurage. Effleurage is the technique most people associate with massage in general and Swedish massage in particular. In doing effleurage, the masseuse makes use of long and sweeping strokes that cover more than just one area of the body. Though it makes the client feel like his muscles are being broken down, the purpose of effleurage is actually to connect one part of the body to the others.
2. Friction. Heat makes the muscles relax and friction is used to make the area to be treated warm up. A masseuse would make use of the friction technique by rubbing the palms of her hands vigorously on the surface of the client’s skin. She can also do this by rubbing her palms together and then laying them on the skin of the client.
3. Petrissage. Petrissage is the act of kneading and squeezing the muscles of the body. Petrissage does not target or focus on any particular part of the body, but the process of kneading the body’s muscles allows for deeper and more penetrating effects of massage.
4. Tapottement. Tapottement are strokes that aim to energize the area of the body that the masseuse is treating. This is done by chopping the area with the sides of the hands. It can also be done by hitting the area being treated rhythmically with cupped or fisted hands. Tapottement is aimed towards energizing the area being treated, yet at the same time making it loosened and relaxed.
5. Traction. Traction involves pulling at the arms and legs of the client, and sometimes also the head. The act of pulling stretches the muscles of the client. Traction is always done as part of the last portion of the massage routine because pulling needs to have the muscles relaxed; otherwise, it would hurt.
6. Vibration. The vibration technique is used by the masseuse to shake up the area of the client’s body that she is treating. This is done by moving the heel of the hand, or sometimes the side of the hand, or even the fingertips, forward and backward across the skin to loosen the muscles of that particular area

Sunday, February 23, 2014

On writing my first book

I am glad i finally started writing my book. This book has been in my brain for almost 20 years and after all the research and time away with my growing family and work, I have the time to sit down and put this thing into motion. At first, it was hard getting the first sentence, heck the first words written; my mind was in different directions on how i wanted it to be or go. Then a friend told me to just start writing and see where it takes you. I did and behold it is coming together. My first work of art. It's about a serial killer and from all these years seeing him grow in my mind; i am hoping that when i get to that chapter he becomes even larger than life and my hopes that each of you will be so trapped in this story that you can't wait to find out what happens to the main character.  This writing has given me a new lease on life; i use to write all the time, little plays and poems, short stories but as time went by so did my writing and now this time has come and my creative juices are flowing and each character is beginning to have a life of their own. 
 It's amazing how you can sit down with paper and pen and start putting together your imagination into words and how the story line grows with each character and place.These characters are fun  to write and their stories draw you into the story, which i am hoping is how it's suppose to go.. Keep watch on the main character, you will find her in present and past and what part she plays. It is amazing how the story evolves with each thought and word. I am so happy at this time in my life, I can finally write this story. 


Thursday, February 20, 2014

To our mother- Happy Birthday

Today would be my mother's 69th day here on earth.. Sadly, though, she isn't here to celebrate with us. She is in heaven celebrating her day with her family and friends that passed before her. We miss her here but know that one day, she will run up to us and give us a great big hug only a mother could give. 
We still grieve and possibly will till the day we leave, but knowing she is up there watching over us; gives us great joy and at times, I feel a touch that only I know could come from a mother..  

My mother was a big person in my world. I miss her... we all miss her... She is mother to 6 of which 5 she gave birth to; Robert Clifton, Jr.. Bobbie Sue (me), Rebecca Joyce, Kellie Jean, Eric Clifton and William Bradley.... 

If she were here today, if only she were here today.... We celebrate with you today... 

Happy Birthday Mom


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thank you sun

Thank you sun for shining down on us today; or most of us today. 
Warm us with your bright glow and light our path. 
And I know the clouds are coming and will bring rain down 
upon us, we will enjoy what you give us today and leave our caves
Our bodies and souls need your warmth and your shine to help us. 
You give us Vitamin D for our bones and it helps us grow. 
Each warm sunny day brings us a smile and new found energy.
Let your rays rain down on us today; awaken those sleeping grounds
and let the birds sing.  Spring is coming. 
Again, thank you sun for shining down on us today.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Turning 50

I have been off a while pondering on me turning the Big 5 0.. yes, the AARP brochures, half-century mark 50 and what it means to be this age, for me...  

When I was younger, about 6 or 7 and standing outside Lawhon Elementary School in Tupelo, MS; watching the teenage girls walk by and say to the other that they could not wait until 18 years old.. Eighteen , Eighteen, heck I could not even think that far ahead and that seemed way to old for me to even think about. I said to myself "wow, that is really old" and then went about my business as any 6 year old. 

By the time I did turn 18; i thought the world was my oyster, could do anything, hell invincible, even, as any young person does. We didn't think of many of the things that we do as we get older, just finishing up school and hanging out and getting ready for college was the priority, then.  

Turning 21, you take a look back and go, okay, legal for adult things now and say ''' Hell, yeah"" but then it doesn't seem that fun anymore.. Getting away or trying to get away or around things was or seemed much more fun than being legal to try or do now.  

Then comes the 30's.. Most of us married and children by now and in a good job and then you start thinking back to the young years and how you ever got to make it this far. You start thinking about school and friends and how much fun those times were and how much they meant to you.. You never really thought about it until now because then you were just in the moment... now those moments seems to be fading away. Those moments have become a special place you go in your mind to remember and rewind. 

Now in the 40's .. Times seem to be as they should be.. your work is stable.. children are grown or almost grown and you and the spouse can have moments to yourself.. Not running around with school projects, concerts, bands and games.. You try to start enjoying your time.  I remember saying at one time. I remember 20 years ago, i was only 18 or 20 and now when i say i remember.. I stop and say 'Holy hell, that was a long time ago"..  Those years keep getting farther and farther apart and the memories are there but you keep having to fight harder to remember. Throughout the years, you have had many more memories to store back in the mind and sometimes those that were young seem to be forgotten. 

Now here comes 50..... I am only 2 days into it but I am ready for what it brings me.. or should I say what I can bring it... I am looking forward to this new decade of my life. I know who I am and what I want from this life now and come hell or high water, I will make it happen,,, this time.  My girls are all but on their own and mom is needed less and less, which sad but as it should be. Mom becomes the word as Friend now to our children but still a parent nonetheless... I stop, though, and worry and think about things that maybe I shouldn't.. I say this because my mom died at age 54 and I keep telling myself, if i can make it to 54 then i know i can make it.. I know that is morbid but turning 50 scared the heck out of me because i knew that in the back of my mind ,my mother, didn't make it to be and elderly woman.. But I know she is with me and holding my hand through these years and with luck, she will walk those elderly years with me.  
Turning 50 is a high point of our lives and now just beginning to live and I have lots more, hopefully, to live. One good thing for this day and age.. they say that 50 is the new 30. Well, heck.. I'm all good..  I have another 20 years to get to where I am now.  
Well, stating life to live.. I need to get up and start life today. It is beautiful out and I want to go outside and enjoy this sunny, 60F weather day.  
Until next time....


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pay attention, Bobbie

ANOTHER-- PAY ATTENTION, Bobbie moment.   

When you put a little (already cooked) small new potato in the microwave to heat it up----

Make sure you cut it into or mash it up............    

Cleaning up the kitchen waiting on the potato to heat up and all of a sudden--- KaBoom--- 

Dang thing blew up

Microwave looked as if a nuke had gone off.  What a mess.  

One of these days, I will learn.... Hey ---- it's still not too late... :)   


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ready for Spring

Who is ready for warmer weather?

I am. I am so tired of front after front and no sun. I feel as if i should be a vampire.. pasty white skin and living in the walls of no sunlight. Makes one depressed and feels no accomplishment. Especially, when you have to stay in the house because of this DAMN weather. 

I have looked up to the heaven's and said that if it get to 100F this summer, I will not complain. I can get comfortable enough from the heat but can't put on enough to get warm in the winter. I 

I want to see the sun and feel it's warmth through my windows and bask in its glow. The sun helps with depression(depends on the person) and it's great with Vitamin D for your bones. It gives renewed energy. I know when the sun is shining and its warm out, I get more things done in my house and yard. Right now, I do what I have to do and then stop and find a warm spot to sit and wish on the sun and warmer weather. 

I know some can say its only a state of mind but come on now........  unless you are a snow bunny or an athlete that you have to be in this weather for a living..........yes, the snow is pretty and i go out to take a walk in it because we in the south hardly ever see this white stuff, but who in the heck would love this everyday??  

I don't enjoy the complaining but I would love to start my painting and planting for the Spring... I am grateful for everyday but let me find that little groundhog--------i am gonna nail his door shut...... 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Looked out my bedroom window this morning and what did i see.. SNOW!!!..yes, you heard correctly, snow.  Things will be at a slow pace today, schools closed and so is the university. It is such a pretty sight but going out weathering this stuff is a mess... Even my dogs got as far as the top step on the deck and back in they came. It was so funny watching my Docker running back and forth in the snow on the deck trying to decide whether she was going down to do her business ..........nope, she and my Yorkie had enough of the wet stuff on their little feet and ran back in the door and decided that the garage was a good place to take care of business, today... 
When we were little or younger, the snow was always fun. Outside making snowmen or throwing snowballs or trying to slide down a hill and who can forget Snow Cream---- mmmm, that was a nice treat. It's funny how as we are young; we think we are invincible and could stay out in the cold all day and it not bother us. Today, if it gets below 70F, I am running for a jacket. I take that from my dad, well and his ears and nose. 
Face it, with the snow, we in the South rarely see this white stuff, it's just usually cold and this year, damn cold. With all this beautiful white stuff and its beauty, we can not forget the danger of the roads and steps, they can be slippery and cause a nasty accident.  
So, I say to you on this day......... Have a great and safe day.    
Now let's go and make Snow Cream!!!!   :)


Monday, February 10, 2014

When I died

It has been a few days since my last blog. I have been trying to write in my journal ---- basically--- trying to quiet my mind. Also, trying to start an outline for my book(s) and trying to figure out my concept for my business design for massage therapy.  

While I am doing all of this and watching tv on a break, I found my thoughts going into the realm of  what happens when you leave this body/this earth.  I have to share this story because it's been weighing heavy on my mind.  Where is heaven? Is there a heaven? Do you wait in a place between heaven and earth? or does this living soul go to another realm of time? Each of us at one time or another have asked or thought of what really happens to us after we leave this physical being. I have no answers, just a thought and faith.

In 2001, I had taken some medication that I had become allergic to, by mistake, and I say this because I had talked with my doctor and he says well you are almost done with the dose , so just take OTC's to ease the itching and rash.. Well, I say 'by mistake' because i thought i had thrown out this prescription. Note to anyone--- Do NOT grab medicine in the dark without checking the label. I was going through a divorce and feeling anxious-- thought i was grabbing something to calm me down and focus, but instead grabbed this medicine and then after I took it , began feeling woozy. So, what did i do? ran for a benadryl thinking i could stop this reaction before it got worse.  Started feeling worse, with more dizziness and feeling flushed, heart racing. Thankfully, i was going to another doctor from referral that day and was suppose to pick up my records from my doctor. By the time, i made it to my physicians office, god only knows how i did, i was walking as if i were tipsy and words slurring .. The nurses asked if i were okay and i said can i sit down for a moment with a garbage can , "i think i am gonna be sick".. Sat down and all of a sudden tried to throw up and then saw the nurses run out to me, calling my name. I remember them putting me in a wheel chair and taking me back to a room and telling me to stay with them.. While on the table, I could hear them talking but could not understand what they were saying. All i heard was 'blood pressure is dropping'..  The next thing, I saw was me looking down at my body with these nurses and doctors working on me and seeing the clouds or it looked like clouds.. I felt no pain and was beginning to look away from my body lying there on the table when i heard a voice, a very stern voice calling "Bobbie Sue".. All of a sudden, my eyes opened and a huge deep breath came with it. That voice was my mother. How could this be? She died 11 years before; losing her battle with cancer. 

I say this because for a small amount of time---- I was clinically dead... After getting out of the hospital, the nurse called me from my doctors office and said we were so worried that you were not going to make it."Did you know you had no pulse and heart beat", she said.. "no", i replied. This was shocking to me, i was actually dead, i had died. In the hospital, i remember hearing the nurses during the night was 40/20 but here i am.. I made it through. 

Why say this? I say this because you hear those that share their near death experiences with white lights and some seeing those they loved. I didn't see the white lights or see anyone other than the group of people trying to save my life down below; all i saw was white- like i was walking on clouds. Whatever and however each of us think or our religion or faith, we can all agree that those above that have left before us, know the plan and with us opening our eyes for a new breath of air----------- it was not our time to join them--- we are not finished here on earth. My mother's voice sticks in my head, it's funny in a way because usually she would call me Bobbie Sue when I was in trouble. You always know when your mom calls you by your full name you are in deep doodoo.. 

I always think back to that day and wonder what purpose do i have? what more do i need to do? Whatever, the wayward walk off my paths that i do--- my mom and family-- guides me back to the place I need to be.. I know I have much to do,yet and I need to embrace this short life and LIVE.

Keep FAITH and know there is another place and time for us, that when we leave this body we were given, our souls live on---somewhere----


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Earn your way.

I know I can't be the only one that thinks----- Earn your way. 

Where is the pride of someone going out taking any job they can to provide for them and their families. I remember getting my first "real" job and my first paycheck.. It was so elating and prideful that I knew I could do something and earn my own way and stand on my own, without any - ANY help from the government.. Life is a choice and chances. And those that think the government is the way to go... the only thing it does is keep you down and only making what "they" say you can make.. and live and be... How awful .. I grew up hearing all my life, that you can be and do whatever you want in this world as long as you work hard and have a dream. Now it seems that the government is that dream for many out here and they are keeping many of us from that dream of success and become the best we can be....

I get so damn frustrated with all the news today, about the government taking care of you.. The only one that believes that is the government. They take care of themselves not us... Only makes us depend more on them to push us down, eventually they will tell us when to wipe our butts.. Not me.... I will never succumb to this type of tyranny... I was born in a free world and a free-will to know for myself what is best for me and my family.... 

I stand with Moses---- let my people go---- (let them be free)... 
I stand by our Founders---- fighting against the government known as the King--- for our freedom. 

We can not be free until we are truly free... Free to make our decisions of how we make our money (legally of course, never would I condone anything illegal), decisions on where we pray, where we go to school, what to purchase or eat, whether or not I can have a gun ( not that I know how to use it but it's my right and freedom to decide how to keep /protect MY life). No one should tell another human that I know better than you on how you should be in this world.  


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I started writing a journal today. I used to write all the time; little plays, poems and such. As time went by, it became less and less until nothing. Writing a journal is different for every person. We write for different reasons and each are looking for a different outcome. What works for me doesn't necessarily work for you. 

Writing helps ease your mind, gets the stress out and puts you in more of a positive mood than before you started that first line of your journal.  Your words start pouring onto the page after a while, without thinking. You can write whatever you want in the journal.. from the weather to how you are feeling or start writing about wishes/promises/expectations and then the things that were bringing you down seem to give you a boost. 
Writing helps to say things that we may be unable to say or afraid to say and putting it on paper seems to help get that frustration out and let's face it.... saying what you need and getting  it off your mind... makes you feel better........ all your negative begins to be a positive. Things start working again; the mind stops racing, the blood pressure drops, a smile comes about more often and what was once lost is now found again.

I know when I lost my friend, Bill Browning, I set down and wrote some things that we talked about and wished could happen and of the future that now can never be. I cried, yes and still do but the writing helps. 

Set down and start writing a little journal today and see  what outcome you choose for yourself.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Simply said..

I bet most women can say this to a certain man--- and it holds true, if they can't stand by you through the bad days when nothing seems to go right, the damn sure do not deserve the best days of you.... 


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sunny and her pillow

Okay, went to bed a bit early last night.. One of those, down moments.. Thinking of things and wishing they could be different. Anyways, after all the dogs in the bedroom with me and two in the bed; the big one, bless her, she can't quite make it up there, but she has a big huge pillow and bed on the floor. After, a bit, I finally fell asleep. 
During the night, I started getting more cold and kept putting the comforter over my face to keep out the cold. I was thinking to myself, why is it so cold in here??  I woke up and looked down and found out why it was so cold in my bedroom.  My Sunny, had pulled her big pillow over the heating vent on the floor and was sound asleep, snoring up a storm...   She was toasty warm while mom was shivering her timbers..  
