Friday, February 5, 2016


One second becomes a minute into an hour
Hours make a day and days into weeks
Weeks into months and months into years

Time is always constant. Time is always forward.
Time is never wrong and it's always there.

With these seconds to years of our time, it shows that
we are here for only a short while.

Time is infinite, though we are not. (But if only time
could stand still for a moment- What more could we do?)

That moment in time that we were born becomes
our seconds to minutes to hours to weeks to month and then
to the many years, we are blessed to have.

Our Journey through time is only but a short one from this infinite thing
called time. Time is but time with no true measure.. Man brought us seconds,
minutes, hours, days and weeks and months. 

Enjoy our moments in this moment of Time....


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