Friday, February 12, 2016

Blue Shoe/Black Shoe

You know those days when you jump out of bed and it's another one of those days where you know , it's best to stay in bed?

When I was a bit younger and working at McRae's in Tupelo and being a single mom with a baby, you know those days when bottles, eating, baths and dressed can be one heck of a chore. That day happened to be one of those days.  I get up and running late of course and getting the baby fed and diaper bag and my stuff ready for the day was a bit too much..   After throwing everything together and downing a quick cup of coffee; I realized I didn't have on my shoes, set the baby down by the door and ran to the bedroom and grabbed my shoes...  It was dark in the closet.  Get where this is going??

I rush to the daycare drop off my daughter, run into work with only minutes to spare and clock in. Working behind the counter is always a good thing, I recommend it. But, I kept noticing eyes on me periodically, during the morning shift when I came out from behind my counter. hmmm I kept thinking to myself, but continued even through lunch, the little looks.  Still did not notice what was about to  present itself.  

Finally, I had to go and straighten the watch table and as I was looking down......  It hits me like a Mac Truck...  I have on a blue shoe and a black shoe.   You are freaking kidding me, all day? Blue pants with one black shoe and one blue shoe. Thank goodness, they were the same style, I bought them in blue and black.   Well dang, no wonder, those looks I kept receiving.. I began to imagine them stating bless her heart...  By this time my shift is almost over and I decided to embrace it and laugh at myself, but of course, stayed behind that counter for the rest of my shift.

From then on there, I kept those blue and black shoes apart.  But, I have worn by shirt on backwards. That will be a story for yet another day. 



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