Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hamstrings and Low Back Pain?

There could be a number of factors to low back pain. Overworked muscles, bone/joint/spinal issues, injury or just poor posture or combination of them all.  

Exercise and strength training of your abdominal muscles such as your rectus abdominus (your six pack) can help lift with normal curvature and help prevent disc injury  

I am adding a site that you can read to help you understand back pain and some ways to help with the pain.

Getting a massage can help along with chiropractic care.   In massage, we can help lengthen the shortened muscles on the QL's (quadratus lumborium). Therapist also, can work on the Glutes (gluteus medius)  and hamstrings (tight) can cause low back pain.

These sites will help you understand low back pain and to help you determine where it is coming from and help you choose the best care for you. 

Also, gives you stretching pointers.

Note: If it is a disc injury or from some other type of injury, surgery may be needed.

Always consult your medical doctor...   

Thank you..   

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