Monday, February 22, 2016

Be that HOPE for someone

One night while I was going in and out of chat rooms on Yahoo, being bored, a screen name popped up that I was not familiar with and we began to chat.   She started asking questions of my family and of my work and she reciprocated the same.   She told me that she had seen my post on the chat room and thought I would be someone nice to chat to.   "Thank you", I replied and of course me being nosey, I started asking more questions of her age and what brought her to the site.  

She becomes vague and a few,  "are you there's", she finally answers and starts to tell me how her life is messed up. "Explain", I asked.   Her school, friends and family didn't seem to understand her and some kids at school bothering her, she just wanted to talk to someone before she killed herself.  "What?" "Why?" I asked.   You are only 17 years old and so much life to give and to share. You will deprive yourself and your family and your future families of the blessed person you are." And she tells me how can she keep going when it seems no one is on her side and I told her honey you have the best person on your side whether you see it or not..........God is on your side... he made you to be great. Be that great person he created.  

All this crap that others are giving you, yes, it's bad but one YOU can overcome." She became quiet again for a time and started asking questions about my children and how I overcame bullying and the hurt caused by others.   I told her to stay strong and find a professional to talk to and a clergyman. 

After a time, which seemed like hours, she tells me that she is getting sleepy and that she would not end her life and I thanked her very much and she was doing the right thing.   but, then she started going back into that dark place and said well, goodbye, I am going to kill myself.   NO NO NO......  please don't do this give me your number, I will get someone there to help.   She finally told me where she lived or near the biggest area... Right after she hung up, I called the police in the area told them this story and told them her screen name  to see if they could find her. "Please, find her." "She is so lost and so hurt."

The morning after, I kept looking on line and the news to see if a young girl around her age had committed suicide.   I never found that answer, nor the answer if that night, when this young soul contacted me; if my words helped her if they fell on deaf ears.  

I hope my words helped, but I know how it feels to want to take your own life. I know how low and how lost and how one feels to be in that dark place with no one there to help.  One only needs that ONE voice of HOPE. We are never promised anything but life and life is the biggest gift ONE can ever have.  

Listen and make time for those that pop in or come by with a face and voice of no return, YOU could be their HOPE. 


Friday, February 12, 2016

Blue Shoe/Black Shoe

You know those days when you jump out of bed and it's another one of those days where you know , it's best to stay in bed?

When I was a bit younger and working at McRae's in Tupelo and being a single mom with a baby, you know those days when bottles, eating, baths and dressed can be one heck of a chore. That day happened to be one of those days.  I get up and running late of course and getting the baby fed and diaper bag and my stuff ready for the day was a bit too much..   After throwing everything together and downing a quick cup of coffee; I realized I didn't have on my shoes, set the baby down by the door and ran to the bedroom and grabbed my shoes...  It was dark in the closet.  Get where this is going??

I rush to the daycare drop off my daughter, run into work with only minutes to spare and clock in. Working behind the counter is always a good thing, I recommend it. But, I kept noticing eyes on me periodically, during the morning shift when I came out from behind my counter. hmmm I kept thinking to myself, but continued even through lunch, the little looks.  Still did not notice what was about to  present itself.  

Finally, I had to go and straighten the watch table and as I was looking down......  It hits me like a Mac Truck...  I have on a blue shoe and a black shoe.   You are freaking kidding me, all day? Blue pants with one black shoe and one blue shoe. Thank goodness, they were the same style, I bought them in blue and black.   Well dang, no wonder, those looks I kept receiving.. I began to imagine them stating bless her heart...  By this time my shift is almost over and I decided to embrace it and laugh at myself, but of course, stayed behind that counter for the rest of my shift.

From then on there, I kept those blue and black shoes apart.  But, I have worn by shirt on backwards. That will be a story for yet another day. 



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hamstrings and Low Back Pain?

There could be a number of factors to low back pain. Overworked muscles, bone/joint/spinal issues, injury or just poor posture or combination of them all.  

Exercise and strength training of your abdominal muscles such as your rectus abdominus (your six pack) can help lift with normal curvature and help prevent disc injury  

I am adding a site that you can read to help you understand back pain and some ways to help with the pain.

Getting a massage can help along with chiropractic care.   In massage, we can help lengthen the shortened muscles on the QL's (quadratus lumborium). Therapist also, can work on the Glutes (gluteus medius)  and hamstrings (tight) can cause low back pain.

These sites will help you understand low back pain and to help you determine where it is coming from and help you choose the best care for you. 

Also, gives you stretching pointers.

Note: If it is a disc injury or from some other type of injury, surgery may be needed.

Always consult your medical doctor...   

Thank you..   

Friday, February 5, 2016


One second becomes a minute into an hour
Hours make a day and days into weeks
Weeks into months and months into years

Time is always constant. Time is always forward.
Time is never wrong and it's always there.

With these seconds to years of our time, it shows that
we are here for only a short while.

Time is infinite, though we are not. (But if only time
could stand still for a moment- What more could we do?)

That moment in time that we were born becomes
our seconds to minutes to hours to weeks to month and then
to the many years, we are blessed to have.

Our Journey through time is only but a short one from this infinite thing
called time. Time is but time with no true measure.. Man brought us seconds,
minutes, hours, days and weeks and months. 

Enjoy our moments in this moment of Time....


Thursday, February 4, 2016

One of THOSE days

You know those days when you wake up put your feet on the floor and YOU just know it's going to be ONE of those days?

Early this morning it starts, one after the other with me needing to talk to someone for situation at hand. After about an hour, finally, the solution presents itself and it became all good in the hood. Hung up with not the hap happy face that I wanted but okay, it will take a few days and it should be okay.  

Next -----  comes in the form of  yet another call to which, I keep being on hold with a voice stating sorry for the wait, we value your service and we will get to you as soon as we can as that all of our representatives are busy with other customers....   yep, I know that one by heart.  Wonder how?   This one still is a thorn in my side today with no resolution, but I will prevail.   Note to self:  Call again and again. 

Next issue shows it's face soon after.    More phone calls to ask and for me to find the solution that is best for everyone.  Bam!! this one down.   This one not too bad. 

Okay then this last one, and it best be the last one, come up right after lunch. This one tells me to disconnect and delete and reconnect and replace.  Oh, okay did that already.  The little voice on the other end states "Oh, I am sorry for your trouble today, but we are going to remedy this for you today"..   After the 4th try and my with my deep sigh, I replied, "Well ma'am you are batting a big Zero at the moment". We both chuckled under the stress of why it is not working. I tried a couple more times and hot dog , Scooby doo, it worked.  Finally!!..   Thank you, thank you. 

Okay, now it's coming to end of the day..   Deep breath, close eyes and Smile.........  It's all good.

Things happen not at the best of times but they do. We just need to take a deep breath, lower our tone and Smile.   Don't sweat the small stuff..........
