Monday, December 15, 2014

My takes on Passion

Passion (from the Latin verb patÄ« meaning to suffer) is a term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.
The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love – to a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion, a positive affinity or love, towards a subject. It is particularly used in the context of romance or sexual desire though it generally implies a deeper or more encompassing emotion than that implied by the term lust.

What are you passionate about or who? 

I am passionate about lots of things. I can tell you when I get on the things that drive my passion......  I am one force to reckon with whether it be in a good way or not so good way.

 I am passionate about singing, not that I can carry a tune, at this point, but I love how some songs just take me on a path to some of my emotions. How some of the words can just take you to a tear or a smile.

 I am passionate about my modeling ......... love. Love that all the hard work in the past has given me confidence and knowing that I am only 5'2... when I get on that runway.....I am 6' tall.. It's given me grace and shown me that I can. Now to say that none of you know who I am or seen me on anything, but watch will (gonna have to be some changes or me making some changes but watch out) . 

 I am passionate about some movies and books.... those that can take me on a journey.One of my favorite movies is Gone with the Wind; it takes me on a journey of the old South and at a time in our Country that divided families and friends. One of my favorite books is Mistress of Mellyn; that book is a great read and it does take you on a journey in mind of mystery, love and murder. 

 I have a great deal of passion on my faith and don't get me started on my political views (usually gets me into trouble). As faith is attacked in our world today, I will not allow my belief's nor me being called names because of someone trying to make a point they are to be heard.  Stupid.. You can believe what you will but when you tell me how I should speak or believe, then we have a problem.  There are many types of belief's out there and who is to say which is the true... but it is within each of us to know for ourselves, but for one dang thing this coward of extreme terrorist(let's call it what it is people). What makes me sick is how these in power says let's reason with them.. well let me tell you what a psychologist said to me one time.. YOU CAN NOT reason With Unreasonable people"  You take control.  So my rant about religion is suppose to be peaceful and fulfill you for the greater good. 

 The passion I have for my family, we may argue and not talk for days, but let someone go after one of them... I have a huge family and some I haven't seen in many years, but they are a love that runs deep in my veins and heart. Each of my brother's and sister's are different, sometimes, we wonder how we are related. :)  But as in life, it makes us unique and we bring different aspects of life to our family. 

 I have passion for love.. you know that kind of love you have so deep inside that the mere thought of the person brings a smile and the sun shines a little brighter, words are a bit sweeter and you can't get enough of them. 

 I am passionate about my work whether it be in Massage or being a NEW writer( trying to finish my first book), me getting back into acting(I may not be in the spotlight at this point but I am having the time of my life. We all make a difference whichever your status). My mother always told me I was a little character.  

 I am passionate about my causes such as animal abuse or abuse of another human being. I am or was a victim's advocate. How someone can harm another, whether it be 2 legged or 4 legged, it is a crime but these days no one wants to do their job and punish those that abuse. Being a victim myself(one time in my life) and then helping to counsel others and then becoming an advocate is a great fulfillment. Showing those in their most vulnerable state and showing they are not victim's but Survivor's and watching them become stronger is also therapeutic for me as well.  

This year, I intend to get more involved with many of these and finally face my fears and have my voice.

Whatever your passion, show it with conviction but with class and grace. 


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