Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Listen = Saving a friend

When people are hurting or unhappy, why can we not, (me included) take time out and sit down to let them talk or cry or whatever they need to do.

 I have(had) a friend that was so unhappy with his life and wanted to make a change but didn't know because of his illness of how to do this without backlash. He wanted to be free of all the responsibilities that were at his feet.  He loved his family and yet longed for another life.

Pressures from his family and company and I am not innocent in this either.. I pushed for him to make these changes before he became to ill. All he wanted was to find happiness, he craved happiness. 

It's so sad how much he was suffering and most was ignored, but I tried , but didn't do enough to save him.  He deserved to have the life he wanted without fear, repercussions and hate.  With all his sadness, he begged for death ... question ... did anyone else that knew him, hear his cries, did you care?  This man was a good man, a good friend and I know I will miss him .. our talks we shared were not always easy and not always pleasant but they needed to be said and shared, it helped. I honestly do not think that anyone had ever let him just be him and ask him instead of ask of him. I miss those times of him popping in just to say hello. I miss the Merry Christmas or the times he would come on and recite his speech before his company's party or him getting ready for tax season, touchy subject... All these times and years were special, are special to my memory and my heart. But, did those that were there know or care enough to help??

I can go on and on about this but it's too late for my sweet, wonderful friend.. He's gone and now my life is forever changed.. no more asking how the day is going. or are you okay... or i enjoy our talks or ..we will talk later.. that later will never come again. 

So, let us not ignore those in pain and hurting deeply, give one moment of your time and listen.... listen to them. You never know if that could be all they need. 


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