Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What would you do??

What would one do if they knew someone's secret.. I mean a secret that would turn the other person's world in a spiral?

I am saying as I have been told..........this person would definitely deserve what comes to them..... 

Pretends to be a friend when at the given moment, stabs in the back and turns it around on you that you deserved it.....    Not a friend, right?   

Is suppose to be a God fearing Christian but then again, goes out to clubs and parties down with the rest of them .. oh, but don't let them know you are out around on the town.......  YOU should be ashamed... 

They always try to be better than or think they are better than anyone else.. going into hock for a car or house or things they really cannot afford to show "the supposedly in crowd", they are apart of this crowd. 

Always scheming for the next thing......   and when it doesn't go their way.....pitch a fit and all hell breaks loose till they get their way......   again, more money out the door to pamper the mouth... 

The person has not talked to the other in many years because of jealously and then came to  help again and then with one thing that was said didn't go their way......   will not speak, to me that is a good thing, let them go....   but then likes to trash this person to anyone that knows them.....  How unkind and petty this seems, right??  right??   

Slept with a friends so-called boy friend and then told the boyfriend lies and then only then does this bring me to the secret this one person has on the other......    This person not truthful to anyone....   on a subject matter that would turn someone's world downward... 

What would you do?  This may help the person in turmoil.. 

With all this not to get back at this person(not worth the breath) but to make some justice to a wrong.....would you tell the secret??   


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