Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Goat and Haystack..

Chasing goats are fun until one turns on you. I know I have talked about this story at one point before but I felt it needed to be stated again, why, when of course it shows me being me. :)

My uncle has some new goats and we wanted to pet them. Those goats were not having any part of being petted much less being chased. We chased them in the barn-out of the barn- into the fields where the horses and cows were grazing and then back into the barn to try to cut them off. 

Now, in that barn was a low lying 2 x 4. Guess where this is going?  Guess who nailed that beam?  Me- I chased that darn little goat into that barn so fast that I didn't see it coming. (now to my defense, if there is one, inside that barn; it was dimly lit). Before, I could look up, BAM- I kissed that beam and down I went... yes, I kissed a beam and no, I didn't like it. I saw stars the moon, heck the whole dang galaxy was flashing before my eyes. It took a while before I could get my senses together and get off the ground of scattered hay. Getting up was like one of those old cartoons where when they get up holding their head, swaying back and forth and seeing the world go round',yep that was me.   

But here is to add insult to injury. I get up and noticed that my shoe was untied. I bend over to tie my shoe unbeknownst to me, there was a goat with horns standing behind me- like he was waiting in the dark, lurking so to speak to see what my next move would be. Of course, I did not see him. How could I? just knocked myself silly.  Well, I bend over and yes, you guessed it......... across the room I go. He butted me so hard, I flew into the air and right on top of a nicely put together haystack.  At least that was a soft landing, when I woke up. 

Needless to say, those goats were no longer on top of my list to pet. I got out of that barn with bruises and what dignity I had left and found my way to the porch to help out with shelling peas and shucking corn. (no pain involved in this chore). 

When they tell you to not bend over in front of a goat......  Believe me it's true, don't do it.  Unless you want to fly.  

Thank you-----   

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