Wednesday, May 6, 2015

That moment when you forget to push the button.

You know when you have one of those moments....  An ah-ha moment?  That moment when you look at the situation and tell yourself..... did I just do that?  I am such a ding dong.  

A day in the store and walk out to get into the car and find the temperature has risen above the discomfort level.  You turn on the air and flip it on high and it's only bringing warm air through the vent.  You look down to make sure you have it on cold and yet nothing but warm air still flowing through.  Now panic and a little bit of angst comes out.  This can not be happening. The freaking coldest winter ever and now my air doesn't want to work..  This makes me so mad. Now the weather is starting to get warmer. Damn thing best not be out.  

You let it run for a bit just to make sure since the cold weather maybe just maybe it's going to take a little longer, but nothing.  Decided by then to change lanes, instead of driving straight home, decided to take it to the shop  and have them look at it.  Maybe it's the Freon.  Get it to the shop and the manager comes out and starts plugging equipment to the engine in hopes of finding the problem.  Everything looks fine. He gets in starts piddling under the dashboard and turning my button and checking the fuses. Nothing could he find wrong with the air conditioner. After asking for my Owner's Manual, he calmly calls for another mechanic in the back to come and see if he knows what could be wrong.   They took at the fuses, added another piece of equipment to come up with nothing. After telling them there has been a recall on a certain part on the car, they both look at each other and say that could be the problem , but you  need to take it to the dealership ... Okay not a problem, I get back inside the car and turn off the car and I know I am getting a feeling that something is not right. Turn back on the car and look over to the side, while the men are just scratching their heads over my air conditioner. Oh my Holy Lord...... I didn't turn ON the air condition button........    I yelled out... it's working and they looked and came to the side of the car and said what did you do.......... Well, do you think this little red head was going to tell...........   (smiling)  Oh, I just turned off the car and turned it back on......  Oh good, but I would have that checked out... Yes, sir, and I got out of there quickly.   Too embarrassed to even tell them what I did or did not do... Heck it's my own car, it's 11 years old, I know my air conditioner. 

Feeling guilty as I was driving home and feeling a bit like a dummy, I started thinking, well heck why should I be feeling so bad, they were mechanics and looking and poking around and they didn't even notice the button was off.   So, I turned on my happy face and got out of the car.  

Maybe it's age.......not...... these ah-ha moments are coming more frequently.  I am a Lucy-type and if you have read a good deal of my blogs, these moments have been around as long as I have.   R-is for Run/drive not reverse.   and N is for not going.   As long as I can make fun of some of the little quirky things that I do, I am okay. You gotta laugh at yourself in times as these, life is too short to be that uptight.   So, I shall close until my other Ah-ha moment arrives.....



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