Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dear Mr. President (my opinion)

Mr, President,

When you were elected you were the vision of hope for many. Your Hope and Change and promises of transparency were what this country and people were needing. But, as you settled down into your position of being our President, seems you had taken it to mean you were King.

The Hope and Change you so eloquently spoke about is nothing more than the transformation of our country to being nothing short of socialism. Our rights are being trampled on. Our Freedom is in question. Our taxes rising. Instead of leading our country it's been as a dictatorship, things (laws)  passed in the dawn of night without say so (this Obamacare is crap and we were lied to, you know it) , until it's done, and your Executive Orders are for the birds. And your Change is it that you have divided our country so that it may never be repaired and that our allies never trust us, again?

I say this not out of disrespect but out of sorrow and anger You have been the number one person along with those you confide to have divided this country in racism and class. I am still undecided if this was your plan from the first or you gradually moved that direction. 

For those in poverty, blacks and whites, you seemed to have heard their cries for opportunity to strive but instead no jobs/work, more young people live at home now more than ever and the poor, especially the blacks have suffered from your policies more than ever. More black people are out of work than anytime in history. We have more people on government assistance more than ever and our debt has grown, under you, more than any one before you.  Why? 

Why is it that there are more scandals under your administration than any other? Why is telling a lie more important than the truth. We can handle the truth, we just don't know it. You seem to be like a little kid, when he doesn't get his way, goes off stomping and give an attitude.  That should not be, Mr President...   Do you not, honestly, care about this country------??  it doesn't seem as if you do.   Since you have came into office, you have done nothing but belittle this great country, that has given you so much.......    Yes, it's had it's moments as does anything, but yet we are strong and have been a leader for many across the seas. You and your policies have all but destroyed that. 

Why is the race card for you and Sharpton,Holder always played? You should rise above and be a leader not an activist or complainer.  Yes, do we still have race relations to work on....  but for things that are not race, you guys have done nothing but fuel the flame. Instead, of a leader asking for the people to be peaceful, you encouraged violence and blame game. Not once do you call on Black on Black Crime.........why is that, Mr President........  is it that you only want them to think that it's the White man's way (you are half white, makes no sense) and you want as most of the Democrats want all those in poverty to stay under the thumb and slave to the Government?   Why can't you stand for the police??  yes, again, good and bad but majority they are all hardworking and would stand and defend you with their life as would the Military which you throw under the bus just as much.  

There is much blame to go around from past, Republicans and Democrats......  I don't know where all get their morals or where those morals go when you get in office but they go out the window...  but you --- you should and said that you would be that hope for many..........   and yet the corruption still and worsens under you. The IRS, Obamacare, Benghazi, Immigration, VA and Holder's crap........ has not gone unnoticed by WE THE PEOPLE......  we grow tired of the hungry hippo called the Government and it's time someone comes in to show those in poverty that you can make and do for yourself ....

We need jobs, we need less government in our lives, we need, opportunity to build, we need to have our voice, we need God in our Country back....... We damn well need English  and damn well want Political Correctness out of our lives...  

My heart aches for this great Country.......   What we have stood for over 200 hundred years, is being destroyed bit by bit and our light grows dim. You are the one person for which we (well not me, I didn't vote for you) gave Hope to Change the course of our Country and make it bright again......   You have only succeeded in the opposite and it's sad that it seems not to affect you in any way..... Where are your tears for those losing their lives protecting you and their community and country?    My words are just my own and I have many things to say but what's the point.... I am nothing or nobody to you and this government, even though, me and millions of us are your boss......
It's sad that our first Black President will be known as our worse....... You could have changed and made us greater than we could be......  We all had hopes for you........  Mr. President--- You let us ALL down....... 


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