Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wearing High Heeled Shoes and your Legs

This is more for the ladies out here than anyone. I have just finished my last EVLT on my legs, due to obstructions. The blood and oxygen were not flowing properly and causing pain. At times, hard to walk even for 5 minutes. Went in to kill off the veins causing the problems and in hopes the blood will find a new route to other veins. The procedures were painful ( to  me anyways) and went according to plan (as so the doctor says).

Update:  I have another month to finish healing and then back to the doctor for another ABI test to see if all obstructions are gone.

Now to how I got them........   One is from the horse accident from last year. who would thought that little horse could do so much damage, thrown flat on my back (thankfully no broken bones only full skeleton bruising) and concussion which caused a whole other problem with my heart (which in turn is part of this problem).

Another problem HEELS... Ladies they make our legs look great in some outfits and appear taller but they will do the damage to our feet and legs as well as crossing those legs........Don't cross your legs!!!!! As much as we love the heels and think they build our calf muscles, actually lower heels will do that much better and less stress on your feet. Once the damage is done, it is rarely reversible depending on the problem and the person. I am not saying not wear heels, shoot, I still wear them but not those 4" heels any longer. I am saying, wear smaller ones or limit the time in the ones you do wear.

So, ladies, I will say again.........  Those shoes may make you feel good (until they start hurting your feet) for a small amount of time, but your legs and feet are yours for a life time. Be kind to them... They are all you have.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Memories of Tupelo

I look back on my growing up in small town, Tupelo, Mississippi and it seemed/s so different now. Hell, it is different.
 When I travel back home, the streets that I used to frequent so often, I have to look at the sign to make sure I am on that street. Some of the places I used to go are shut down or have become something else. I go downtown and I don't even recognize the area (I have to do a double take.) Let's face it---- things/places change over time and all we have and share are memories.

I remember when I was pregnant with my first child and eating at the Taco Hut where I would buy two Senorita Dinners (yes, two which consisted of refried  beans, little salad, and if not mistaken two taco's) I was eating for two.. :)  I loved going there.
Thank goodness Johnny's Drive-in is still around... love those burgers and shakes.  Yummy Yogurt was a big thing for me back in the day, every Saturday, I would spend a couple of hours trying out the menu and when they began their sandwich menu --- favorite was the Italian Roast Beef with hot peppers--- that, for me, was the best.

 Our hospital, when I worked there was known and still may be today as the largest non-metropolitan hospital in the country. (is it still?) ThunderBirds or TBirds was a great place to dance and for those that did the party scene-great party place. Bogarts, loved going there, it's atmosphere was quite different than TBirds. Not sure if these are still around but of course, with change they may have become something bigger/better or nothing at all.

 Lake Lee was a place of fun in the sun during the summertime for everyone and on the 4th of July, packed with entertainment of skiers/boaters showing off and lots of cook outs.. The Lee Drive In was for the most part my second home, there all the time, my parents worked there, my sister and i worked there. It was right beside the bowling ally, Reb-a-lanes?,correct? (i broke it up, not sure of the spelling from memory) I remember Mr and Mrs. Heard and my sweet old, Smitty, he was like a second grandfather always so nice.

Tupelo was a place and still is a place that one can grow with the values of small town USA as well as the taste of growing/expanding new ideas and businesses of tomorrow.  

I miss my old Tupelo, but as they say, things have to change and we must change with it or be left behind. After all, changes are necessary.  Tupelo will always be home for me, the place of my birth and youth. I still have a huge family and great number of friends in Tupelo and all those memories that as I grow older, keep flooding my mind and I smile. 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

The day I was "clinically dead"

It has been a few days since my last blog. I have been trying to write in my journal ---- basically--- trying to quiet my mind. Also, trying to start an outline for my book(s) and trying to figure out my concept for my business design for massage therapy.  

While I am doing all of this and watching tv, on a break, I found my thoughts going into the realm of  what happens when you leave this body/this earth. 

 I have to share this story because it's been weighing heavy on my mind.  Where is heaven? Is there a heaven? Do you wait in a place between heaven and earth? or does this living soul go to another realm of time? Each of us at one time or another have asked or thought of what really happens to us after we leave this physical being. I have no answers, just a thought and faith.

In 2001, I had taken some medication that I had become allergic to, by mistake, and I say this because I had talked with my doctor and he says well you are almost done with the dose , so just take OTC's to ease the itching and rash.. Well, I say 'by mistake' because i thought i had thrown out this prescription. Note to anyone--- Do NOT grab medicine in the dark without checking the label.

I was going through a divorce and feeling anxious-- thought i was grabbing something to calm me down and focus, but instead grabbed this medicine and then after I took it , began feeling woozy. So, what did i do? ran for a benadryl thinking i could stop this reaction before it got worse.  Started feeling worse, with more dizziness and feeling flushed, heart racing. Thankfully, i was going to another doctor from referral that day and was suppose to pick up my records from my doctor. By the time, i made it to my physicians office, god only knows how i did, i was walking as if i were tipsy and words slurring .. The nurses asked if i were okay and i said can i sit down for a moment with a garbage can , "i think i am gonna be sick".. Sat down and all of a sudden tried to throw up and then saw the nurses run out to me, calling my name. I remember them putting me in a wheel chair and taking me back to a room and telling me to stay with them.. While on the table, I could hear them talking but could not understand what they were saying. All i heard was 'blood pressure is dropping'..  The next thing, I saw was me looking down at my body with these nurses and doctors working on me and seeing the clouds or it looked like clouds.. I felt no pain and was beginning to look away from my body lying there on the table when i heard a voice, a very stern voice calling "Bobbie Sue".. All of a sudden, my eyes opened and a huge deep breath came with it. That voice was my mother. How could this be? She died 11 years before; losing her battle with cancer. 

I say this because for a small amount of time---- I was clinically dead... After getting out of the hospital, the nurse called me from my doctors office and said we were so worried that you were not going to make it."Did you know you had no pulse and heart beat", she said.. "no", i replied. This was shocking to me, i was actually dead, i had died.

In the hospital, i remember hearing the nurses during the night that my blood pressure was dropping was 40/20, then 30/20 but here i am.. I made it through. 

Why say this? I say this because you hear those that share their near death experiences with white lights and some seeing those they loved. I didn't see the white lights or see anyone other than the group of people trying to save my life down below; all i saw was white- like i was walking on clouds. Whatever and however each of us think or our religion or faith, we can all agree that those above that have left before us, know the plan and with us opening our eyes for a new breath of air----------- it was not our time to join them--- we are not finished here on earth. My mother's voice sticks in my head, it's funny in a way because usually she would call me Bobbie Sue when I was in trouble. You always know when your mom calls you by your full name you are in deep doodoo.. 

I always think back to that day and wonder what purpose do i have? what more do i need to do? Whatever, the wayward walk off my paths that i do--- my mom and family-- guides me back to the place I need to be.. I know I have much to do,yet and I need to embrace this short life and LIVE.

Keep FAITH and know there is another place and time for us, that when we leave this body we were given, our souls live on---somewhere----


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I wake up with teeth at my feet.. (another funny story of my roommate and her teeth)

Another funny story about my roommate, Sherry.  

One night, Sherry and I were out at the Hilton having drink after a long day at work and when we arrived back at the apartment instead of going straight to bed she and I were in her room (she had a over sized King bed), we were watching television and talking about life and work.

I fell asleep and during the night I kept hearing the sheets ruffling and waving about, at first, I didn't pay attention and just tried going back to sleep. No, didn't happen, not only were the sheets waving about, I started feeling Sherry patting on the bed. She was literally on her hands and knees on the bed patting about, frantically.  She was so funny and if you could have seen her, you would have started laughing  as I did. I sat up and asked if she was okay and after a simple head shake yes, she says to go back to sleep.. I tried, seriously, I tried but the patting  became more like a pounding and she was now throwing the sheets about instead of waving them around. Finally, I had enough and sat up again and asked if everything was okay, again she shakes her head yes, by now, I am paying attention to her as that I am completely awake and notice her holding her mouth. 

After noticing her holding her hand over her mouth and now a bit worried, I turned on the night light and ask her, "Sherry what is wrong?" "You are holding your hand to your mouth and I can barely here you talk".. Well, now, let me begin to tell you, at this point in our friendship and being roommates, I never knew she had false teeth until that night. She says "okay, I was trying to find them before you woke up, but not the case so I will tell you.... I wear false teeth or a bridge on my upper jaw."  I told her that it was okay and her secret would be safe with me and I would help her try to find them. We searched all over that bed to no avail and finally we gave up and went back to sleep. 

 During the third time of trying to sleep, I started tossing and turning and turning and tossing and flailing my legs about trying to get comfortable and as I finally started to get comfortable and settle down, my foot hit something in the bed... cold and felt like it bit me.  I didn't want to wake Sherry because of  her being awake for so long looking for her missing piece so I nervously pulled my feet up to my chest and sat up to start patting the bed to find out what that was. I slipped my hands under the covers to grab the culprit and to my amazement, it was the missing teeth.. I started screaming in a bit of fright. In the half darkness those white teeth looked a bit frightening to a 19 year old. Sherry jumped up and I yelled stating I think I found your teeth and what were they doing on my side of the bed and down by my feet.."They bit me", I said.  
Bless her, without saying another word, she grabbed them and put them in her mouth and said .. "Whew, I thought maybe I had swallowed them"... "Really, really!!!" I replied... Then looked over at her and she was smiling and I knew she was trying to get my mind away from the incident and we just laughed..

No more sleeping after that. We got up and went out for breakfast with teeth in tow. 
