After seeing one of my old colleagues, this weekend, she told me she is retiring after a long and successful career. Congratulations that a great milestone, but she says it's time. Things are done differently these days and it's not the same. Everything is done online now, I stated. Nothing is hands-on anymore.
Where is the time where you sent in a resume, got a phone call to come in and sit down with the person? Most of the time, you got a phone call whether you got the position or not--- NOT today, send online and they could give a hoot whether they get back to you or not. To me, that is rude and very unprofessional. Yeah, one can say they have too many responses online, but in my opinion, if you put it online that gives way for someone, anyone to wade through and respond. It's just a kind gesture for those waiting.
Going to the doctor now is online, you have to sit while they, nurses or doctors, peck on the keyboard to enter your information. Where is the write it down and pay attention to who is in front of you? I mean, come on! I know that times have evolved and are ever-changing, but when the heck does it say, leave the personal touch behind?
I miss those times when one could sit down, look the other person or persons in the eye and have a conversation and have them listen to you and write down what needs to be and then put it digitally. I am NOT Digital, hear my heartbeat, watch my mouth, she blinks, winks and speaks, listen to me. Those that use the pecking, which we all do these days, can put the wrong information down which can cause not to get a loan, or have the wrong diagnosis, the wrong medication, even if they pull up the wrong date of birth or name, can cause a murid of problems.
The ones coming up in this day and time, have no idea what it's like to just sit and keep off the pecking and talk and learn and help someone other than themselves. They are growing up in a world where it is all digitally in front of us, work, play, home. It's great to be out there working and being able to be in front of someone, not in front of a screen.
At one point, this all may end and where are these growing up going to land? They will not know how to hands-on anything. Will, they even know how to turn on a tv without a remote or turn on the lights without a voice-activated instrument? Just things, I think about from time to time when I hear yet another industry going digitally rather than person-to-person.
I know it's only going to progress but something to think about when a computer breaks down or a copier breaks down- would you know how to type of a typewriter? If the whole system went down in a store would you know how to use the old slide for credit cards? If the graphics went out would you know how to draw it freehand? Many things to think about in this ever-progressing digital world.
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