Monday, April 2, 2018

Mental Slope

With all the talk about guns and what to do or not to do.  I feel, we are about to go down a slippery slope where mental health/illness is concerned.  

Bear with and I will explain on why I feel this way.  They (big government) is now wanting to pass laws that keep the mentally ill from owning guns and if they have guns- they can confiscate them. That can bring a whole mess of problems. 

What does someone having a mental issue mean?  Let's go over a few "issues" and see how we would find ourselves in this quandary of the "mental slope".  Okay, say you or I have taken some type of medication that normally goes for depression or get this take a certain type of medication that is for your ailment but it also can treat a psychological disorders. Or you have seen a doctor for any number of disorders; take your poison- say for depression or afraid of heights, spiders, death in family etc..  Well does this warrant the big brother of government to take my/your guns? NO!

Now they will say while the big ole debate is going on, that these will not go under the prevue of confiscation.  Well, sure we can believe what big brother says, right?  NO! This debate is useless unless they can make up what determines a mental issue with no loop holes or addendum laws attached. Government can't do that, they have no sense of knowing or even care. We already have laws on the books that are not being enforced by someone in big brother government and we the little people are falling for it again. Special interest groups taking the bull horn and shouting to rooftops and wanting laws changed for the good of the people, Yeah right? for the good of their blowhard mouths and padding money in the pockets of these politicians to whom they wail. We have too many laws that are not being enforced and no intention of being enforced they are made only to pacify those special interest groups and get themselves richer. Shame on us, little people.  

What if one day we have a bad day at work or at home and fly off the handle and someone calls in that we have or they think we are having a mental breakdown of sorts. Does this warrant confiscation of guns? Question - who does one call - is it local or federal? Is it a day in court or automatic confiscation if they deem you unfit mentally to own a gun? 

Now before some of you jump off the bridge, I understand with a deep mental issue; a deep psychosis like schizophrenia etc.., may fall under issue but who is going to determine that?  Come on we all suffer from some sort of mental issue every day of the blasted week from work, kids, home, family you name it - it's there. Is it a physician from the local or federal government that will determine who is unfit? Who? Can anyone call in and say you or I unfit to carry a gun? See my point?  

Things need to change but making more useless laws that no one will follow or enforce is a waste of tax payers time and money.  There needs to be a debate and not one sided either. So before we go down the slippery mental slope. We really need to determine what right are we going to give up next.  Because from what I understand of our great nation..  Our rights and liberty are not up for debate.  



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