Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Effects of an Illness

I am blogging this for a childhood friend.  Her grandson has this disease  and it's taken a big toll on the family as a whole.  It affects his blood pressure and damages the kidneys. I can only imagine the pain this young one is going through. I did not know anything about this disease so I did my research and now sharing it with you. 

   In many parts of the world, IgA nephropathy is the most common form of glomerulonephritis--a disease that damages the tiny filtering units of the kidney, called glomeruli. The damage caused by IgA nephropathy results from abnormal deposits of a protein called "IgA" in the glomeruli

Please if you will, take a look at this site and if we all can give to help this family. 




Effects of Aging

I asked my friends on Facebook on what they would like me to say on my blog. I had several come with great answers.

Here is one of them by my friend, Tony Q. Che.   #BodyAches pertaining to Aging.

Aging is a process we all must face (if we are in that lucky class), no way around it. One way or the other it hits us, gradually. At first, grey hair starts popping up and then those little lines start to show around our eyes. Yes, those of us that fight the signs of aging, do everything from color to many types of products to deter Father Time.  Then comes the eyes, weaker and then those dreaded bifocals come around. Not fun but needed.  Eventually, comes the body aches and we (some of us) find ourselves slowing down from the pace we did a few years ago. 

All this is normal. There are many things we can do to keep Mother Nature and Father Time at bay for a time, but this is all normal. It's our right of passage. Some embrace it. Others like myself not going down without a fight/effort. 

 This article shows the effects on aging to our muscles and joints and things we can do for ourselves to promote a better wellbeing as in --- exercise, vitamins and healthy eating. 

 This article tells us that body aches and pains are normal but also tells us when to go to the doctor for those un-normal issues.  

It's good to NOW take care of our bodies as best we can so that these un normal issues at bay for a time. Keep our minds sharp, exercise daily, get a massage. I can't tell you how much getting a regular massage is great for your overall health. 

Although, how we age is most part already pre-determined by genes but doesn't mean that we cannot take control and fight-fight-fight and be the healthiest middle-aged or elderly persons we can be.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Things we do when young.

The things we try when we are young.

I did silly, stupid stuff as we all do and now as I am much older, I wonder how/why on earth.  

One of those times was when I almost choked myself to death on Worcestershire sauce. See, I love things hot and spicy and as a young girl, that was just spicy enough for my young pallet. I would always pour some in the top and drink it up... one day, I decided to just pop the top and guzzle it down..........  wrong thing to do.  The moment I popped that top and held my head back as far as I could go and turned that bottle up, there it went or should I say, I went.  The wonderful tasting liquid came fast and loose inside my little mouth and flooded my mouth, well it went down the wrong hole.  I felt the burning and then the airways started to block. 

As quickly as it went down, my head and body bent over with pain, my eyes felt the heat and tears started whaling up and I could not cough, could hardly breath and I began to panic. Fanning my face for some reason, I am guessing to help with the heat. I made it over to the kitchen sink and was thinking to myself okay you big dummy now what?  Look what you did. 

 Holding my head upright did not seem to help with the blockage in my throat, so I bent over the sink and started running cold water to find some coolness over the heat that was overwhelming my whole body at this point. And as I bent over towards the water, low and behold the passage way started clearing and I could breath, again. The heat sensation started to subside but the tears started flowing as to what seemed to last an eternity but was only seconds, I could finally breath.  I lifted my  head, picked up that bottle put the top back on put it back on the shelf.  I did not touch that again, heck it was years before I would even use it again. 

These silly things we try when young and lived through by just shear luck and grace of god, is a right of passage, I suppose, for all that try these silly little things.  
