Thursday, April 23, 2015


I was once the great Nation that stood for freedom and truth
Those that once came ashore believed in what I offered
I never promise them a hand out but a way out. With hard work
and a spirit of never giving up and your faith. One can succeed or  not by his own hand.
I became the beacon of light and hope for all across the world.
I became father/mother, brother/sister/son/daughter and protector of all
It's not been easy. There have been battles to fight and fight we did. We stood
up against those that oppressed and slaughtered innocence. No, battles are never
the perfect choice but a choice one has to make to ensure those around the world know
I/We will not stand and watch human life suffer under tyranny or plain ignorance.
Life is for living and making the world better than we found it.
But, now--- I am falling on my knees when I see that those that come here no longer
wait in line to be counted. Those that come came here for better but most want me to adopt their
way of life, their religion, their tyranny. They came falsely. But yet they are free and I/we are loosing our freedom with each breath we take.
I see that beacon of light fading fast. Love becomes hatred. Hard work becomes laziness. Faith is becoming not accepted. Compassion becomes selfishness. and morality, not many seem to have them anymore. Without my light guiding those to Hope------There is no hope for anyone.
I can stand again if those that choose to fight for what I have stood for over 2 centuries...Fight to get me back to where I began. Fight for my rights, my freedom, my laws, and my faith. Speak up against wrong and Stand up for Right.  And fight like hell against those that try to suppress, oppress and kill us because this is America and These UNITED STATES.



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