Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My take on the News.... It's my opinion

I would like to comment on the past few weeks happenings.   The idiotic and crazy crimes going on in Baltimore. 

First,  the tragedy of the young man's death is terrible. People let the investigation go forward, then we will all know what happened. Who is to say that he had not been hurt before and with just a bit of force finished the damage? Or maybe the police used too much force by accident. Either way, answers are needed.  Let our system work... We have the best in the World.   But for most out there, You want answers is crap, it's your excuse for YOUR criminal behavior.  And I am not saying for one second there are not prejudices in our Country, still today, I am stating it goes both ways... There are good cops and bad cops, I have known both......   but dammit they are people just like you and we all make mistakes.

And  a big thank you to our President and Eric Holder and they little show guy, Sharpton...    Mr. President, you have changed our Country, changed it to something back in the 60's, worse even.   Your policies have hurt us more than anything or anyone ever. You have been the most divisive force in our country......   It's not Black against White........   or should not be........ We are Americans and color shouldn't be a factor.......  God helped build this Nation and by his heart, we are all one.....  We all deserve a chance to fail or thrive, but it's not the Government that decides for us and I ask each of you on assistance........ Is this what you want for a suppressive force to only give you what they want you to have or do you want a job that gives you dignity and the will deep inside that you can make as much as you can and be whatever you choose to be??  We have too many entitlements going on here.    Freedom.........  

I am not saying everyone, just those that riot and troublemakers. We have a great many good and law abiding citizens and not enough is said for all the good.  We have lots of poor doing what they need to do without violence... An opportunity is what is needed...   and the Government can not give opportunity. It's our job as parents and our communities. We need job growth and a policy change to ensure more jobs in our communities and need our schools to teach and teach, I mean not the liberal agenda crap they are forcing on our kids today.   Show respect....  there is a lack of it with these youngsters today, they feel entitled. Give me mentality. Someone needs to tell them... No body or No one gives you anything.........   for nothing........  You work hard and get it for yourself..... a sense of pride.  

Most state it's just the tip of long oppression and cops being bad to black men.  Well let me enlighten you people ....   You are where you are due to long  liberal policies... Stop and think for just one moment ..........  all the government help, "let us take care of you" and that mentality is what keeps you and the rest of the poor down, black or white. Think about it.... if you only get what they the government says for you to get......   that is oppression, suppression. Keeping all of you on the level they want to keep you under their thumbs and as a servant to them.   They tell you we have money coming to help but where is it??   I want each and everyone of you go to your Democratic politicians in your areas and see where they live, what they drive.....  Much different than you, I gather?  The help they say they give to you..........goes straight to their pockets.   If they were so much for the people, they would do and be like you and show you.... we can do this together.   It is your responsibility for your own life...   Stop this looting, killing, drugging, beatings and think about what you want for your children. Growing up poor may not have been your choice, but by god in heaven its your choice to whether you want a better life for your future generations or do you just throw your hands up and blame everyone else for your problems.  People that time is over ....

Too many women and girls having babies...... Children growing up without fathers, schools are not teaching..... faith is losing........    money goes to pad the pockets of those elected and to hell with the communities ...... too many black men are shooting black men...... Where is the liberal news on that one.........    too many Americans on welfare and that system is broken.   I can tell you how we can fix the baby situation........ get these young men to pay child support and make sure they pay child support and that way the government can limit, for a time, what they give out.. It is not the government responsibility to pay for these children...  and if the women have a problem with it... limit their support...  Keep the children in school by fining the parents and/or officers to enforce school or juvenile ..... It's time we get these youngsters to take responsibility.

We need to fix our communities and elect those that say what they mean and mean what they say..... Whether it be Democratic or Republican.   It's time we demand our government work for us and not us work for them.  

I know I will get blowback from this.........  but, I am so tired of hearing  something everyday.. It is time we act like we have some sense.... not thugs or those that think they are entitled.......EVERY Life Matters...  


Thursday, April 23, 2015


I was once the great Nation that stood for freedom and truth
Those that once came ashore believed in what I offered
I never promise them a hand out but a way out. With hard work
and a spirit of never giving up and your faith. One can succeed or  not by his own hand.
I became the beacon of light and hope for all across the world.
I became father/mother, brother/sister/son/daughter and protector of all
It's not been easy. There have been battles to fight and fight we did. We stood
up against those that oppressed and slaughtered innocence. No, battles are never
the perfect choice but a choice one has to make to ensure those around the world know
I/We will not stand and watch human life suffer under tyranny or plain ignorance.
Life is for living and making the world better than we found it.
But, now--- I am falling on my knees when I see that those that come here no longer
wait in line to be counted. Those that come came here for better but most want me to adopt their
way of life, their religion, their tyranny. They came falsely. But yet they are free and I/we are loosing our freedom with each breath we take.
I see that beacon of light fading fast. Love becomes hatred. Hard work becomes laziness. Faith is becoming not accepted. Compassion becomes selfishness. and morality, not many seem to have them anymore. Without my light guiding those to Hope------There is no hope for anyone.
I can stand again if those that choose to fight for what I have stood for over 2 centuries...Fight to get me back to where I began. Fight for my rights, my freedom, my laws, and my faith. Speak up against wrong and Stand up for Right.  And fight like hell against those that try to suppress, oppress and kill us because this is America and These UNITED STATES.



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

FED UP with Government

You know I have to speak out about some of what is going on in the news.... Can't hold it in any longer..

GOVERNMENT>>>> STAY out of my bedroom, my phone, my kitchen, refrigerator, my healthcare... I'm a big girl and long before you, I and mine take care of themselves...

Who are you to tell me what I shall eat or not?  If you look around, not all are one size fits all...  One that weighs considerably more than I needs to eat more.... I on the other hand may need to exercise more, but again, it's my decision.............

Why do you tell me that I have to have birth control when I have had surgery?  HELLO.. some of us can't have children... and if you stop to think.. Birth control is free to those that want it(or for low cost) on the taxpayers dime(anyway)..  Why should you tell me on what type of insurance I need?  You don't know my body nor mine or anyone elses' history-- again, we are not one size fits all.....

You need to fix yourself (ie. scandals ) than try and change what we do outside the realm of GOVERNMENT when it comes to personal responsibility.....

How about we take back our freedom and our rights  and our money from you...
