Monday, November 10, 2014

To all those Unanswered Questions

"Unanswered Questions"

You know when you think you have figured it out and then "wham" it hits you with another twist and turn? Things you thought you knew turns out could/could not be.  

Sometimes IT can be true and kept from you/us for unknown reasons and other times, it can very well be "unanswered questions" playing around with your/our  mind.  You/we are the pawn from which those tricks are played.  Or maybe we become gullible to those "unanswered questions" and we take on a perception of the truth/lie that we and we only can hold on to? And when I say hold on to, I mean holding on can either make us or break us. 

Sometimes, those "unanswered questions" can drive us deep inside to do or think unimaginable things. To find a lost love or to seek the truth that only one person can give you/us, but again;they too are lost. Where is that answer? What is true/false? You/we have your/our conversations with them and you know deep inside what felt true and then one day--- gone--- whether in death or by their own means or someone else's --- move away and so forth... losing contact with that special friend/person and hearing things afterward that you/one can hardly believe. But, what is true or a lie? If in death that person can never answer  and it's just as hard trying to find those that are lost; either by their hands or another's and seek those "unanswered questions".  Some love to play games with others and some are just caught up in the moment with no ill will at all..  

Sometimes, is it best to just let it go or to seek out that truth/lie? Do you believe your heart or your head? Everyone deserves their "answers" but if that other is not there and those that might know will not come forth.... all you/we have are the memories of conversations that were true to you/us and sometimes that is all that matters (to get us through the day); until one day those "unanswered questions" will simply be a faded memory.  


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