Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Re-post---- Where has the human touch gone?

Where is our humanity?

In this day and age, we are forgetting how to speak/communicate. To many gadgets and gizmos bombarding our world. Now not to say they are not welcomed in our world, shoot they are much needed in our society today.  It is amazing to just click on a button and be able to communicate with anyone in the world with the same capability.  

With the same tone, though, we lose those moments when you and your friends gather together for a night of fun and talk, nothing nefarious but gather round just for talk.   We are finding that our writing skills are going away with the coo coo bird, where every keystroke is the new way of penmanship. Really?  I wonder how many of our kids or us will even know how to write in the next few years.. We have let technology take control and forgotten the art of being human.  Gone are the days of friendship and family time as we know it to be (those born before 1988 would know this) 

Why can we not take back being human vs tech or mechanical. The art of  telling a story sitting by a campfire without a phone attached to your ear. Oh, not to chastise anyone else.. I am guilty, I have jumped on the tech band wagon, I use it for my business and its easier to write an email than to get writer's cramps with paper and pencil... But yet, I find myself reverting back to old way of doing things.. I love writing and honing my penmanship and let's face it anyone who has seen my handwriting these days would agree , hell I can't read what I have  written if I let it set for more than a day or two.  :)  Still the best way to network is by word of mouth, face to --- you don't know me from Adam, I could tell you what you want to hear but face to face; one gets a sense of that person whether you want to believe in what they are selling or not. 

When the lights go out, you are stuck... no internet and you are stuck, whether it be at work or shopping. Don't you just hate out shopping and ready to check out and the lights go out and you are standing there waiting for boot up time again.   I remember I was in the mall last week and they were telling me while at checkout , computers are slow today and I said to her, you know, technology is great but there is something to be said for the old days, if lights were out we could still use the carbon copy credit machines. She agreed, of course, she was a bit older than I, so she understood. 

Look I am not knocking all this wonderful way of life that we share today, it's just we lose our human touch of communication. Face to face most of us can't even carry on a decent conversation with the next person. That is a sad way to be.   Why not put down the electronics and play games with our kids or make dinner and make a memory.. You will never get those times back. 

Take back our Humanity... 


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