Monday, September 29, 2014

Re-post of R for Run..

Here is another A-ha moment of mine or Did I just do that??  

I, as do many people, have many things going through their minds during the day. Right? Of just me? 

Oh well, me and my mind are all over the place. One moment, I am in Ireland feeling on top of the world the next minute, I see myself pilfering through the racks at a department store.   Okay, as usual getting of track here.   

Most often than not; when i get into my car. I put my car in R for Run... yes, she does, folks. This little red-head is a deep rooted blonde (no offense to blondes). I am just laughing at myself. Thank goodness nothing or no one has ever been behind me, YET.  

One day, I was out in a parking lot and again no one behind me and I was talking with someone that was with me. We get into the car and I start her up and yes, you guessed it...... R she went... Needless to say the person with me looks at me with "Really??!!" and all I could do was look with only the look I can give and say.. "Did I just Do That?"        "Only you" this person says  with a great big laugh and I have great ability to change the subject.. Which I did...   

In my defense.. that letter should be B for "Back up" ... 

FYI::::   I am a pretty good driver... 


Friday, September 26, 2014

What causes Neck Pain?----How to help

Did you know that neck pain can start from simply sleeping wrong to most serious of spinal/disk issues? Did you know that from the pain in your neck it can radiate to your shoulder, arm and hand?

I have given a website for you to see in detail the cause and effect as well as symptoms and how massage and exercises can help alleviate your stiff/sore neck. issues.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why get a Massage?

I hear all the time of people wanting to know why and how a massage would help them. Many reasons why you should get a massage--improve your overall health for one thing and it makes you feel good.  Everyone should get one. 

I am posting a site from +ABMP to show you the benefits of massage.

I do this for a living and I can tell you, firsthand, a client walking out is not the same shape as they were when they came in.  The once shoulder pain is now ceasing, bent over posture; now upright position and once a tensed, knotted body becomes a relaxed soul.  


Monday, September 22, 2014

Lighten Up----- Geezzz

This post had a great number of responses and I am compelled to re-post. It hit home with quite a few. 

One of many of my pet peeves is people seeming to have a permanent corn cob up their butts.. Come on lighten up..........  Life is too damn short to always be the gloomy gus or calling people out all the time. 

What makes our world so great is our diversity. We are the most powerful creatures on earth and as our creator put us here, he can take us out. I mean that in a good way not to be hateful as I see some of the post on face book to be.. just because we have different views on things doesn't make us anything but what we are different and unique. If God wanted us all to look and think alike; he would have made us with one brain and all the same color but he is loving and kind and knowing the diversity it would be great for all of us to learn..... CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?   learn from one another and grow.. Listen, I have learned a great deal from those that I found at opposition most of my life.. especially on religion........   I have friends that are Atheist and Jehovah Witness.. It may not be what I believe but it's theirs and by my talking doesn't sway them to what I feel, I respect them as a friend/person as they do me and we move on with our day. We are all people and unless we are at harm to someone...we have that right to say what we feel..... 

Where is our ability to agree to disagree?  Where is that old adage shake hands go to your perspective corners and come out fighting.. May the best man win... Those times are leaving us.....
Why do we allow these that make these remarks to remain our friends.........  especially if they are very abusive in their tones.........   ??   NOT anymore.. Life is too short to try and be friends with someone that tells you what they think you should wear, say or be...  

Sorry, for the rant this morning but when I see how someone is just making a funny quote and then someone comes underneath with a snide remark.......ticks me off.......   it has happened to me and believe me that friend is not a friend anymore.. :)

Lighten UP.........   Not saying that all things are to be funny or happy all the time but come on respect those that have the right to say what they feel.. If you do not like it......  don't press the like button and move on........  Life is way to short for always wanting a fight........  Remove that knobby cob and inhale .. you might find it a bit more pleasant.  


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Once bitten (Sandy)

If you notice that as I write my blogs, many of them, I poke fun at myself and all the fun or funny little things I can or my friends and I can get into. 

My ex-husband calls me "Lucy" and my mother called me "Grace".. go figure.. but again, if the shoe fits and I can tell you from first hand, I can wear that shoe like a glove.  

When my sister and I were younger, she(my sister) had a pony and her name was Sandy. We loved that pony, she was like a member of the family than a barnyard critter. Sandy would never stay in her fence but would mind you, instead, be tied out on a rope in the yard and would stay all day roaming around the yard as long as the rope would reach. She loved to come into the living room and sit in front of the television and eat an apple. She loved the little banty roosters to come and sit on her back, she would stand there as still as a statue as long as they were sitting on her back.  It was fun to watch. 

On day my sister and I were arguing about who was going to feed her that day. Arguing came to push and shoving and right by Sandy. She would shuffle around a little more as our shoves became less playful. As Sandy became wedged in between us and the tree, she had found she had had enough of this game. Sandy polite as she could be, reached around and took a nip out of my behind. I yelled out a hallowing screech and dropped to my knees in pain, mind you. My sister asked what happened and I replied in a gasping voice.. "Sandy bit me" and as we looked up at the pony,she turned her head as if she were to say, "Who me?"..... 

The tale get it Tale of this little story is.... never stand to close to the head area of a riled up pony. It might come around and bite you in the Tail... 

Thank you......